Loads will be displayed in one of the following statuses:

Ordered - Load has been ordered but has no driver assigned to it

Assigned - Load has been assigned to a driver but the driver has not accepted it yet

Accepted - Load has been accepted by driver and they are on the way to the Terminal

At Loader - Load is currently at the Terminal

In Transit - Load has been filled and driver is in transit to Destination

At Destination - Load has arrived at Destination and is waiting to be offloaded or being offloaded currently

Delivered - Load has been successfully delivered

Cancelled - Load has been cancelled

Transferred - Load was transferred to another job



Ordered: Load has been ordered but has no driver assigned to it

Assigned: Load has been assigned to a driver but the driver has not accepted it yet

Accepted: Load has been accepted by driver and they are on the way to the Pad

At Pickup Point: Load is currently at the Pad

In Transit: Load has been filled and driver is in transit to Disposal Well

At Disposal Facility: Load has arrived at Disposal Welland is waiting to be offloaded or being offloaded currently

Delivered: Load has been successfully delivered

Cancelled: Load has been cancelled

Transferred: Load was transferred to another job