How to transfer an order.

The following have to be on both jobs to have a successful transfer

  1. Product
  2. PO
  3. Carrier
    Equipment Settings in job settings.
  4. Approved mileage from Well Pad to the transferred Well Pad

Only the owner of the well can add and make updates and adjustments to the job (Well Site). Owners of the well site have to be the following roles admin, dispatch admin. If you do not know how to add the following, please click how to build a job

To begin the transfer process

  1. Select the job
  2. Locate and select the load
  3. On the right side under the action column, you will see three gray vertical dots. select the three gray dots
  4. The user will select which job the sand order will be delivered to and type in the approved mileage from Well Pad A to Well Pad B
  5. To check if the transfer was successful you select the job you transferred the sand order over to 

After the load is transferred:

- Details for that load are located in the lower half of the loads' page. The load information is under the transferred section. 

- Details of that load as an example where it was transferred, carrier, driver, boxes, time stamps, weights are all in actions > view details.  

- The order that it was transferred to will have a new load number to locate the transferred order the user can look for the load ID in the view details or download a report in the new job and it's in excel column "D"