Production settings are where you will setup different configurations for a particular pad as it pertains to Water. The following article will explain the following:

  • Changing the pad's life cycle from Completions to Production
  • Adding Tanks and AFE numbers
  • Managing approved mileages for a pad
  • Managing Recurring orders for a pad
  • Managing Notes

Changing the pad's life cycle from Completions to Production

In order for the destination to be used to pick up produced water, that pad needs to be updated from the Completions  life cycle to the Production life cycle. In order to do this you will need to go to Settings > Expand Locations > Select Destinations. Once here,find the destination you want to update, left click on the action dots, and select "Make Production".

Once completed, you can click the same actions icon and open the Production settings. The rest of this article will take place in there.

Adding Tanks and AFE numbers

In the Settings tab of the production settings, there are 3 fields available for edit

  1. Water Job Name: This field is used in the event you want to title this pad something different than the name of the destinations since the destination name will be the default that shows up in the water module
  2. Reference #: This is a reference number to the destination in the production lifecycle. An example of this may be an Inventory Location number, AFE number, or Capital expenditure number to use via our API potentially.
  3. Water Tanks: This field is utilized to link tank(s) to a particular location. These tanks are utilized to get level readings from the drivers in the mobile app and ensure that the driver is at the correct location. To add the tank, simply select the tanks that are at that pad, and hit the save button. In order to have tanks in this list they need to fulfill to criteria
    1. Be created in the in the assets section of the settings. See how to add these tanks here
    2. Not be assigned to another pad since only one asset can be at a single place in time

Managing approved mileages for a pad

Approved mileages are important to have since it will drive what disposal locations a driver can go to from a pad. If there are no approved mileages, then an order can not be placed for this pad to route to a particular disposal well. 

In order to a an approved mileage here, you will need to first add the disposal well to your environment. See how to add a disposal well here.

There are 6 fields when adding a disposal well

  1. Disposal Facility: This is the disposal facility you are saying can be delivered to from this pad
  2. Calculated Mileage: After you select a disposal well, we calculate an estimated mileage between that disposal facility and the pad you are entering it for. This is a tool to help you select an appropriate approved mileage.
  3. Approved Mileage: The mileage that you say is OK for a driver to travel between the pad and the disposal facility
  4. Pickup Time (mins): The amount of time expected to pickup the product
  5. Transit Time (mins): The amount of time expected to travel between the pickup and drop off.
  6. Unload Time (mins): The amount of time expected to drop off the product

Once the data has been entered, hit save and continue on. If you have multiple disposal facilities that you need to add, then select "+ Approved Mileage" to add additional locations.

Managing Recurring orders for a pad

If you would like to setup a recurring schedule for orders for a pad for water, then the recurring orders tab allows you to enter multiple schedules to do this. 

  • Frequency: This is the time interval for placing the order
  • Frequency Value: This is the value associated with the time interval for placing the order
  • Start Date / Time: This is the date-time that the order will start being triggered.
  • End Date / Time: This is the date-time that the orders should stop being triggered
  • Number of Loads: This is the number of loads that your would like to order on this recurring sequence

Once all of these values have been entered, select Save and then continue on. If you have multiple types that you need to add, then select "+ Recurring Order" for each type that you would like to add.


  • Frequency: Hour
  • Frequency Value: 4
  • Start Date / Time: 03/13/2020 12:00 am
  • End Date / Time:
  • Number of Loads: 2

This example will order 2 loads every 4 hours starting at 03/13/2020 12:00 am until an End date / time is entered. If there is not end date / time entered then it will continue to place this order 

Managing Notes

This section provides notes about this pad in general to help give direction to individuals going to this location. Simple add the note you would like to have in the space below and hit save.