First you will need to make sure that all of your wells are added to the job. To learn how to add wells to your job click here.

After you have ensured that all of your wells have been added to your job you will need to find the Usage Tab at the top of you screen.

Once you have made your way into the Usage tab you will Product Settings, Job Totals, and Stage Design.

 - Product Setting - This tab will take you to the job set up widget.

 - Job Total - This will tell you your current totals across the job.

 - Stage Design - You will enter your designs for each well here.

Select "Add Design" in the stage design. Once you have selected "Add Design" you will see your Stage Design Field.

In the Stage Design field you will notice 8 fields:

 - Wells - Select whatever well you are wanting to make the design from. The wells that were added to the job will appear in the drop down.

 - Total Stages - Total stages that were entered for this specific well will auto-populate in this field.

 - Stages - Enter the amount of stages that will be pumped on this specific well. Example: If stages for this well design are 1 through 50 you will enter 1-50.

 - Design No. - You will enter the design number for the well here. If there are multiple designs for 1 well you will need to hit the "+" button and add the new well design.

 - Pump Time - Amount of time that the stage takes to pump.

 - Transition Time - Amount of time it takes to transition to the next stage.

 - Volume (LBS) - Amount of sand that will be pumped per stage.

 - Loads - Amount of loads will populate for the amount of sand required for a specific stage.

After adding Stage Designs you will notice the Stage Tracker field populate. 

When stage reports are completed they will flow over the to the Stage Tracker. 

If you need to add a stage in the Stage Tracker select "Add Stage" and fill out the form. You will enter the following:

 - Well #

 - Stage No.

 - Start Date

 - End Date

 - Volume Pumped

 - Stage Notes(Optional)