When in the reconcile tab, there are several alerts that can arise from inaccurate data capture.

Picked up volume may not be accurate

This occurs when the levels that the driver entered may not calculate out to an appropriate volume. We take the amount that was taken from the tank and compare it to what the driver said they picked up which is manually entered

Calculated amount taken = ( (PreLevel-PostLevel) / MaxLevel ) x Tank Size

If the calculated amount varies +- 5% from what was entered, then the load will be flagged with this error.

Pickup Amount doesn't match the Delivered Amount

This occurs when the driver enters in a different value at the disposal well than what was picked up from the well site. This is all based on the driver input.

Missing pictures from the pickup

If the driver did not take pictures of the gauges on site, then the load will be flagged with this error.

Missing pictures from the disposal facility

If the driver did not provide any pictures at the disposal site, then this flag will appear.

Trip segment completed slower than expected

If the driver completes a segment of the trip to slowly, then the load will be flagged with this error. We are looking at the approved time and comparing it to the actual time executed by the driver. If that amount is equal to or greater than 30% from what is expected then the load will be flagged.

For example, the approved time for In transit to a disposal well is 60 minutes, but the drivers takes 90 minutes. 

(Actual Time - Approved Time) / Approved Time = % Variance

(90-60) / 60 = 0.5 x 100 = 50% variance

This load will be flagged with this error.

Trip Segment completed faster than expected

If the driver completes a segment of the trip to quickly, then the load will be flagged with this error. We are looking at the approved time and comparing it to the actual time executed by the driver. If that amount is equal to or less than 30% from what is expected then the load will be flagged.

For example, the approved time for In transit to a disposal well is 60 minutes, but the drivers takes 20 minutes. 

(Actual Time - Approved Time) / Approved Time = % Variance

(20-60) / 60 = -0.667 x 100 = -66.67% variance

This load will be flagged with this error.