Carriers New to PropDispatch (water orders)

Carrier – Startup

Welcome to PropDispatch – This solution page will help carriers to get started with the PropDispatch water feature.

The new carrier will reach out to the lead (the customer) to request an account with PropDispatch; then, the customer can create the carrier profile. When the customer sets up the carrier's account, they will need the following Business entity, owner's first and last name, and email address; mailing address. The customer will need to email to request specific features to be turned on and set to a premium account.


Carrier –

Once the carrier is set up the lead admin will log into PropDispatch by going to via google chrome; PropDispatch will send an email to the lead carrier administered given to the customer when setting up the profile. In that email, you will get your user name, and password; if you did not receive an email, send an email to


Company Settings – Company Details

Company Details

As the lead carrier admin, the lead will double-check to make sure the following is correct.

  • Company Name
  • Address
  • Make sure the water slider is clicked on and moved over to "green"
  • Date Format and Time Format is an option to change
  • Update


Company Settings – Users


As the lead carrier admin the lead can now set up other user profiles for example -  Admins, accounting admins, dispatch, On-site coordinator roles.

When building profiles the following are required

  • First & Last Name
  • Email address
  • Password (created by the lead carrier admin)
  • Notification – None or Email this feature will alert the user when orders are coming in
  • Roles (Admin, Dispatcher, On Site Coordinator)
  • Save


Drivers –


As a Carrier Admin or dispatcher these roles can set up driver profiles when setting up the driver profile the following; is required

  • Enter the phone number the driver will be using PropDispatch with.
  • If the driver has a profile with PropDispatch their name and phone number will automatically populate, click on their name and update any necessary fields
  • When entering a new driver profile you will need to enter the following.
    1. First & Last Name
    2. Password (users choice)
    3. Email
    4. Notification (SMS, Phone Call, or both and None)
    5. Truck No and Trailer (this is helpful for the customer)
    6. Click Add Driver


Starting the Water Section –

Receiving Order

When the customer sends water orders Carrier users will want to go to log into and select the water icon to see which Region and battery the order is on and select and assign a driver to that order. To find the order faster see the dashboard within the water icon.


Assigning Drivers to Orders –

Once an order has been placed a carrier user will need to assign a driver to that order, to do this you will select the driver icon inside of the load line this will be located on the right side. A popup box will populate and please select available drivers if you do not see your driver they may not be available and you will need to go to the driver list and make them available or ask the driver to make them available.


Accepting the order –

To accept an order for a driver you will need to select the checkmark under actions; to decline an order you will select the "X" under actions. By doing this you are binding this driver to the order.


Pushing Driver to pickup point –

If a carrier user (admin or dispatch) does need to push a driver through to the next step, you can push the driver through by clicking on the pin drop to advance the driver to the next step you will need to enter the driver's information.

  • If the driver is arriving at the pickup point a timestamp of arriving is needed to complete this transaction on the arrival line


Pushing Driver into Transit -

If a carrier user (admin or dispatch) does need to push a driver through to the next step, you can push the driver through by clicking on the pin drop to advance the driver to the next step you will need to enter the driver's information.

  • Pre Level tanks
  • Post Level tanks
  • Gauge pictures of Pre and Post Level
  • Volume Picked up


Pushing Driver into At Disposal Facility  -

If a carrier user (admin or dispatch) does need to push a driver through to the next step, you can push the driver through by clicking on the pin drop to advance the driver to the next step you will need to enter the driver's information.

  • Arriving time stamp to the disposal



Pushing Driver to complete -

If a carrier user (admin or dispatch) does need to push a driver through to the next step, you can push the driver through by clicking on the pin drop to advance the driver to the next step you will need to enter the driver's information.

  • Delivered time-stamp
  • Volume Delivered
  • SWD Ticket Number
  • Truck ticket number
  • Truck ticket picture
  • SWD (Disposal ticket) picture


Updating the driver's information

If a carrier user (Admin or dispatch) needs to update a load they can do so in two places in the loads delivered section and or the Reconcile section, to do this select the Actions (the three gray dots)  or select reconcile and update in the tickets in the ticket status.  The user can update the following

  • Ticket numbers
  • Load volume


Reconcile – 

In Reconcile this gives the Admin or Account Admin to confirm orders via approved status in certain situations you may want to consult with the customer if they want you to confirm or approve orders in the reconcile feature.