
Shifts show a quick at a glance view of the zones and the drivers in each shift.

Step 1: Log into Driver Deck and select the Drivers tab. On the left-hand side is the Shifts column.

Step 2: Select a zone and the shift quick view will appear. Selecting All, AM, or PM will allow you to see all the drivers that are in a shift or what drivers in the AM or PM shift. 

Step 3: No Zone allows you to see what driver is currently not in a zone. You will be able to see the driver’s name, the carrier they’re with, what shift they’re on (AM or PM), and if they’ve shown up for work for the last 72 hours.

Import Roster/Export Roster

This allows you the ability to upload a list of driver’s from an excel spreadsheet. When importing the file into Driver Deck you are able to do a full upload of drivers or upload drivers by carrier.

Full Import or Carrier Only Import

Step 1: An excel spreadsheet of drivers can be upload to driver deck by selecting the "Import Roster"

Step 2: Select how you would like to upload the driver roster

  • Full Import: This is where you are uploading an entire list of drivers from various carriers and shifts
  • Carrier Only: This is where only the selected carrier chosen will be uploaded
  • Multiple Carrier Import: This is where you can select multiple carriers and import them at one time instead of having to do separate carrier only imports.

Step 3: When uploading the file it should be in the correct format and should also be saved as an Excel Workbook (.xlsx). The following driver information should be included in the file:

  1. Phone Number
  2. Zone Name
  3. Driver's Shift
  4. Carrier Name
  5. Driver's Name


Step 4: After selecting your file select "Start Import" to begin 

Step 5: Once you select "Start Import" all the drivers in Driver Deck who are not in the file will be removed from the zones and moved to No Zone 

Step 6: When the file has been uploaded successfully a notification will show stating "Roster Import Complete" and if Driver Deck is unable to add a driver an exception report will be created.

Export Roster

This is where you can export a roster of all the drivers in Driver Deck who have been uploaded.

Assign Driver

“Assign Driver” button allows you to move the driver to the appropriate shift or zone who is already in PropDispatch. 

Step 1: After selecting the “Assign Driver” button at the top a pop-up will appear with a list of drivers. You can search for the name of the driver you would like to assign or filter by carrier.

Step 2: After selecting the driver to Driver Deck, you can drag and drop a driver to a specific zone and shift time (AM or PM).

Driver Cards and Statuses

Roster - Driver Cards

Each driver whose carrier is in that zone will be visible here. The driver's card will the status of where they are for that load, Accepted, At Terminal, In-Transit, At Destination, or Delivered. The drivers card consists of:

  • Driver's Name
  • Carriers Name
  • Zone
  • Truck/Trailer Number
  • Avg. Turns Per Shift
  • Email
  • Phone number
  • Last Load Job: name of the last job driver delivered 
  • Last Load Delivered: load number from the driver's last job

Driver Statuses

In the Board and Driver tab within Driver Deck, there are status colors next to the driver's picture that will let you know the what the driver is doing currently.

Status color
RedThis status color indicates that the driver is currently checked out and off duty
GreenThis status color indicates that the driver is currently checked in and ready for a load
BlueThis status color indicates that the driver is currently on a load and that load number 

FYI: If you hover over the driver statuses with your mouse the description of the statuses will pop up

Driver Flag

Drivers may have an issue pop up that will keep them from being able to get dispatched a load. A driver can now be flagged to prevent them from accidentally getting a load until the flag is cleared. Driver flags have two categories to  explain why a driver received a flag:

1.  Parked - This can be used if the driver needs to be paused from work (i.e. drug screen pending)

2. Banned - This can be used if the driver is no longer allowed to work with your company

IMPORTANT: These flags will stay with the driver (linked by their phone number) no matter what carrier the driver is with. If the driver is parked/banned then you cannot assign them loads in Driver Deck until the flag has been removed. You will also find this event in the activity log along with any comments added.

Step 1: In the driver tab, find the driver you need to flag

Step 2: Click on the action icon on the driver's card and select "Flag Driver.

Step 3: Once complete a red box will appear around the driver's card indicating that the driver is flagged.

IMPORTANT: Driver cannot be dispatched until the flag is removed

Step 4: If a driver's flag needs to be removed then you'll go back to the action icon on the driver's card and select remove flag. This will remove the red outline around the driver's card indicating that they are ready to be dispatched a load.