If you're having issues with your driver queue in Driver Deck, the following solutions will assist with a temporary workaround.


Solution PreCheck

Before attempting the solutions below the following should be checked:

  1. Make sure that the driver has downloaded the most recent PD NextGen mobile app from their phone's app store.
  2. Make sure that the driver is Available and Checked In on their app like the image below.

Driver on a load in Driver Deck but load is delivered in PD

On the Board tab in Driver Deck when a driver is shows to be on a load but in PropDispatch that same driver has already delivered that load then the driver is unable to move into the queue for another load in Driver Deck.


To update a driver's status in Driver Deck whose load has already been delivered in PropDispatch, you will need to order a new load for that driver. If that driver is not next for a load then you will cancel that load and the driver will now appear in the queue in Driver Deck.

IMPORTANT: Communicate with the driver that you will be assigning and canceling a load to them so that they are not confused at a load appearing and disappearing on their mobile app.

Driver checked in on Driver Deck but checked out in PD

On the Driver tab in Driver Deck a driver is checked in but when looking in PropDispatch the driver is checked out.


Toggle the driver in PD from checked in back to checked out. This should prompt Driver Deck to resync the Driver's status.

Driver checked out in Driver Deck but checked in on PD

On the Driver tab in Driver Deck a driver is checked out but when looking in PropDispatch the driver is checked in.


Toggle the driver in PD from checked out back to checked in. This should prompt Driver Deck to resync the Driver's status.

IMPORTANT: If none of the steps above have resynced the driver, submit a support ticket to support@propdispatch.com